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Dialing and receiving calls

The operator application enables dialing and receiving calls on the paired IP phone or via the integrated softphone. It is used to control calls this part of the top bar of the application:

call control bar

  • headphone icon is displayed when using a softphone
  • 8000 is the number of the currently paired phone
  • Name or number is used to enter a phone number or search for a contact, if contact whispering is not enabled in carrier app settings then is the text Phone number in the field
  • handset icon is used to dial the entered phone number
softphone erroraccess to audio devices is not allowed, the softphone is not functional
softphone okaccess to audio devices works, softphone is running
softphone inactivethe softphone is running on a different browser tab or on a different computer

Incoming call

An incoming call can be picked up using the button with the green handset icon. The call cannot be rejected. The current ring time is also displayed. If the call comes through the call center queue, then it's time to ring including the time the caller waited in the queue.

incoming call ringing

After the call is connected, the following icons will be displayed:

connected incoming call

  1. The blue arrow indicates an incoming call.
  2. If the call was received through the call center queue, then a gray box (it can also be colored depending on the server settings) indicates the name of the queue.
  3. The name of the caller if found in the database.
  4. Caller's phone number.
  5. Hang up the call.
  6. Hold the call (call hold), the caller will start playing music.
  7. Call transfer.
  8. Turn off the microphone.
  9. Current call duration.

If, during a ringing or connected call, you click with the left mouse button in the field in which the phone number of the call is displayed, then it will be copied to the clipboard and subsequently it can be pasted elsewhere using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V.

Outgoing call

outgoing call

  1. The green arrow indicates an outgoing call.
  2. Called phone number.
  3. The call can be ended during dialing or ringing.
  4. The microphone can be turned off already when dialing a call. After connecting the call, it is then necessary manually turn on the microphone (connecting a call does not automatically activate it).
  5. Current call duration. After the call is connected, the time is reset and indicated spoken time.

If enabled in operator application settings, then it is possible to choose through which campaign the call will take place before making the call outgoing call. If the Direct option is selected, then the call will be made outside the campaign (will not be included in the statistics and the caller's number will be set according to the outgoing filter in the UCS administration).

campaign selection

Call transfer

Two basic types of call switching are supported:

  • Blind transfer immediately ends the call with the transferred party and goes to the handset ring tone played or busy, depending on the state of the phone to which it was switched, possibly music, if it has been transferred to the call center queue.
  • With consultation music will start playing to the connected party. The switcher hears ringtone on the phone to which the call is transferred. After connecting the call with the person to whom if the call is transferred, there will be a consultation (notification of who is being transferred and why). The transfer is completed by pressing the button, when the transferee stops playing music and is connected to the person it was connected to. Consultation part of the call will automatically terminate.

Call transfer is started by pressing the button with the arrow icon:

call transfer

The options for transferring the call will be displayed, or the address book will open automatically with contacts for switching. You can still talk to the connected party during this step.

call transfer options

  1. Field for entering the phone number to which the call should be transferred.
  2. Opening the address book with contacts for transfer.
  3. Blind reconnection. After pressing this button, the call disappears from the operator application and the connection is complete.
  4. Connection with consultation. After pressing this button, the process continues connection, see below.
  5. Cancellation of transfer (return to call).

call transfer options

  1. Interrupting the consultation part and returning to the original call.
  2. Completion of the consultation and transfer of the original call to the target user.

You can interrupt and end the consultation part of the call even during ringing.

To the target user, the transferred call is displayed with an arrow in a blue circle:

incoming transferred call

Directory with contacts for transfer (individual sections Agents/Projects/Additional contacts may not be displayed unless enabled for the agent team in UCS administration):

directory for transferred call

  1. Switch of the type of connection that will be made after clicking on the given contact.
  2. Connection to a specific agent.
    • a. A red circle indicates that the agent is speaking.
    • b. A green circle indicates that the agent is ready to take the call.
    • The colors match the set colors in the agent team. If, for example, it is light blue color set for Not Ready - Lunch, then the wheel will be light blue for agents who are currently at lunch.
    • If the target agent switches to a different state during switching, the change is immediate will appear in the list.
  3. Connection to the project (queues).
    • a. The switch determines the required skill of the agents to whom the connected call will be routed.
    • b. A green circle indicates that there is at least one agent in the given queue which immediately answer the call (it is in ready state).
    • c. The red circle indicates that there is not a single agent in the ready state in the queue.
    • d. A yellow circle indicates that at least one agent in the given queue is ready, but at the present moment he is speaking.
  4. Link to additional contacts set up for the agent team in the UCS administration.
    • a. The icon indicates that the connection will take place according to the selected type in this dialog.
    • b. The icon indicates that UCS administration is enforced for this contact link with consultation.
    • c. The icon indicates that in the UCS administration it is enforced for this contact blind connection.

Key Shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be used to control:

Thekey Using
EnterMake a call for the specified number
F2Pick up the call
F4Hang up
F7Mute Call
F8Transfer call blindly
F9Transfer call to consultation