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The operator application provides the following reports:

  • Queues - view of call center operations (numbers of processed and lost calls, Abandon Rate, Service Level, Average Speed of Answer, Average Handle Time, Full Time Equivalent) aggregated by days, option to generate in 15-minute detail.
  • Agents - view of worker performance (log time, talk/idle time, ACW, reasons for not being ready, numbers of calls received, made and transferred, Average Handle Time and Average Ring Time) aggregated by agents and days, option generate in 15 minute detail.
  • Calls - detailed list of calls made (CDR in the range of caller, called, switching, recordings, processing in call center queues), approx. 60 columns, each call on one line, or multiple lines if it was linked.
  • Service level - overview of the workload of individual queues (numbers of processed and of lost calls, Abandon Rate, Service Level, Average Speed of Answer, Average Handle Time) aggregated by queues and adjustable by weeks or months.
  • Repeated calls - overview of phone numbers with multiple calls (number, number of incoming calls, number of outgoing calls) optionally with aggregation per week or month.
  • Agent statuses - detailed overview of individual agent status switches (agent, time, state, reason, time).

When generating reports, the following can be set by the user:

  • Start and end date.
  • Start and end time in days.
  • Consideration of working days, weekends and holidays.
  • Call direction (incoming/outgoing/internal).
  • Inclusion of answered/missed calls.

Call counts may not agree between the Queues and Agents reports, even though you generate them with the same parameters.


If the call is queued, handled by an agent and then transferred directly to the next one agent, then it is counted once in the queue report, but it is counted in the agent report for both two agents, i.e. twice. To count in the queue report as well direct calls to an agent, then select agents in the criteria. If at least is selected one agent, then the calls connected directly to the agent will also be included in the report.


Furthermore, it is necessary to distinguish between a lost call in the project report (caller hung up while waiting in the queue) and by an unanswered call in the agent report (agent did not pick up the ringing call, but the caller could be served by another free agent).


This is a view of the load and performance of the call center as a whole. For generating report, it is possible to set a different SL value than is set on the queues, and so on recalculate the service level for a different target time. When generating the report it is possible choose whether to include groups of lines with hourly and quarter-hour detail.

  • Date and Time - date and time for which the data is shown in the line, the grouping is in three levels:
    • total for the given day (only the date is shown in the cell)
    • the sum for the given hour (the cell contains the date and the relevant hour, e.g. 10 for values from 10:00:00 to 10:59:59)
    • the sum for the given erlang (the cell contains the date, hour and quarter of an hour, e.g. 10:00 for values from 10:00:00 to 10:14:59)
  • Answered inbound calls - total number of connected incoming calls
  • Answered after threshold - the number of connected calls from the total number of connected incoming calls that were picked up after the specified waiting time in the queue (the value is set in the queue parameters, on the Statistics tab, Service level for answered calls)
  • Lost calls - total number of lost incoming calls
  • Lost calls after threshold - the number of disconnected calls from the total number of lost incoming calls, for which the caller was placed in a queue and waited at least the specified time (the value is set in the queue parameters, on the Statistics tab, Threshold for abandoned calls).
  • AR - the ratio of lost calls to the total number of calls expressed as a percentage
  • SL - expressed as a percentage, the number of calls that managed to be served before the specified waiting time of the caller in the queue
  • Cumulative SL - an overview of SL as it changed during the day, the SL column always shows the current SL for a given day/hour/erlang, while this column records SL as it developed during the day .

One cannot simply average SL to calculate Cumulative SL because Cumulative SL is calculated as a weighted average.

  • Answered outbound calls - number of connected outgoing calls
  • ASA - average waiting time of callers in the queue
  • AHT IN - average handling time of incoming calls
  • AHT OUT - average handling time of outgoing calls
  • Agents count - number of registered agents in a given hour

A total of 4 agents were logged in at that hour:

  • Agent A was logged in for 60 minutes of which READY + ACW 60 minutes = 1
  • Agent B was logged in for 60 minutes of which READY + ACW 45 minutes = 0.75
  • Agent C was logged in for 30 minutes of which READY + ACW 30 minutes = 0.5
  • Agent D was logged in for 30 minutes of which READY + ACW 15 minutes = 0.25

The result for the given hour is 2.5

  • IDLE - percentage expression of the time of the given hour that agents spent waiting for a call
  • TALK - percentage expression of the time from the given hour in which the agents talked (pure Talk Time)
  • ACW - percentage expression of the time from the given hour in which the agents processed the call agenda
  • NOT READY - percentage expression of the time from the given hour in which the agents were not ready

To calculate IDLE, TALK, ACW and NOT READY for 4 logged in agents in a given hour:

  • Agent A was logged in for 60 minutes, of which 60 minutes were ready
  • Agent B was logged in for 60 minutes, of which 45 minutes were ready
  • Agent C was logged in for 30 minutes, of which 30 minutes were ready
  • Agent D was logged in for 30 minutes, of which 15 minutes were ready

The result of the time in the ready state for the given hour is 83.33% (total logging time is 180 minutes, total ready time is 150 minutes)


This is a view of the performance of individual agents. If the report is generated for more days, then on the first sheet there is a total table for all days in the given report and on other sheets individual days. When generating the report, it is possible to choose whether groups of lines with hourly and quarter-hourly detail are to be included. On the last one the Info sheet shows the parameters used to generate the report.

  • Date - the day for which the data is given (it is not filled out in the summary table, but the month and year are given in the name of the sheet)
  • Agent - the name of the call center operator
  • Team - name of the team the agent is a member of
  • Logged in - time of first login, or change of status, on a given day (in the summary table, this is the earliest login for the given days)
  • Logged out - the time of the last logout, or change of status, on a given day (in the summary table, this is the latest logout for the given days)
  • Logged time - total login time (note, this is not a simple difference between the last logout and the first login, but the times of individual logins on a given day are added up here)
  • Idle - percentage and total expression of the time in a given day during which the agent was in the Ready state, but had no connected call (e.g. waiting for an incoming call)
  • Talk - percentage and total expression of the time in a given day that the agent spent talking
  • ACW - percentage and total expression of the time on a given day that the agent spent handling the agenda associated with the call, after its termination, per call is the average ACW per call (total ACW time divided by the number of calls)
  • AUX - followed by a pair of columns showing the percentage and total expression of the times when the agent was not ready to receive calls (the names of the columns are according to the set AUX reasons in the agent teams)
  • In calls answered - number of calls received by the agent (the total number of connected and unconnected calls to the respective agent is the sum of the values in the In call answered and In call unanswered columns)
  • In call unanswered - the number of calls that rang on the agent's phone, but were not answered by the agent (note, this is not automatically the number of lost calls from the call center's point of view, because the given call could have been answered by another agent)
  • Out calls answered - the number of outgoing calls that were connected to the called party (the total number of outgoing calls made by the agent on a given day is the sum of the Out calls answered and Out calls unanswered columns)
  • Out calls unanswered - the number of outgoing calls that the agent made, but the called party was not connected
  • Transferred calls internal - the number of transferred calls by the agent that were transferred within the group branch according to the setting of the Internal transfers within group branch queue
  • Transferred calls external - the number of transferred calls by the agent that were transferred outside the switchboard or outside the group branch according to the setting of the Internal transfers within group branch queue
  • AHT in - the average handling time of one incoming call (the ringing time on the agent's phone, the actual call time and the time the agent spent in ACW are included in the length of the call handling)
  • AHT out - the average handling time of one outgoing call (the total call setup time from the time it was dialed, the call time itself and the time the agent spent in ACW are included in the duration of the call handling)
  • Ring time in - average duration of a call on the agent's phone (connected and disconnected)
  • Ring time out - the average duration of the ringing of an outgoing call (connected and disconnected), the time starts counting from the start of the call to the connection with the caller, or after being hung up by the agent, for disconnected calls


This is a detailed list of calls (Call Detail Record) incl. call handling details in call center queues (Queue Detail Record).

  • Call date - date and time of the call
  • Unique ID - unique ID of the call (unix timestamp "dot" serial number of the call since restart)
  • Calling
    • Number - telephone number of the caller
    • Name - name of the caller
    • Internal - is the caller an internal number in UCS?
    • Group - caller group (UCS group)
    • Extension - caller's line (UCS extension)
    • User - calling user (UCS user)
    • Type - type of caller (phone, trunk)
  • Called
    • Number - telephone number of the called party
    • Name - the name of the called party
    • Internal - is the called an internal number in UCS?
    • Group - called group (UCS group)
    • Extension - called line (UCS extension)
    • User - called user (UCS user)
    • Type - called type (phone, trunk)
  • Connected - call connection time
  • Disconnected - call termination time
  • Hangup cause - technical reason for ending the call
  • Price - calculated call price
  • Private - has the call been marked as private by the caller?
  • Path - path of the call passing through the switchboard
  • Business result - business result of the call
  • Metadata - data obtained for the call from external systems or IVR
  • Call transfer
    • Numbers - numbers of called parties to which the call was transferred
    • Names - names of called parties to whom the call was transferred
    • Extensions - called lines to which the call was transferred
    • Groups - groups of called parties to which the call was transferred
    • Users - called users to whom the call was transferred
    • Unique IDs - unique IDs of calls associated with this call during transfer
  • Recorded - is there a recording of the call?
  • Storage - link to the storage of the recording
  • Recording - the name of the recording file
  • Queue Detail Records
    • Name - queue name
    • Group - queue group
    • Agent name - name of the agent
    • Agent group - agent group
    • Agent team - agent team
    • Entered into queue - time the caller entered the queue
    • Length - number of people waiting in the queue when entering the queue
    • SL - SL time for connected calls set in the queue
    • Threshold - threshold time for missed calls set in the queue
    • Wait time - length of waiting in the queue
    • Ring time - duration of ringing on the agent's phone
    • Talk time - spoken time (hold time is checked)
    • Hold time - the time the agent holds the call
    • ACW time - ACW time associated with the call
    • Transferred internal - was the call transferred?
    • Transferred external - was the call transferred outside the selected branch of the call center?
    • Overflowed to queue - the queue into which the call overflowed

Service Level

An overview of the workload of individual queues grouped by days, weeks and months. Each day/week/month for the selected period is on a separate sheet.

  • Group - group in which the queue is included
  • Queue - queue name
  • Answered inbound calls - total number of received calls
  • Answered after threshold - number of received calls after the set SL
  • Lost calls - total number of lost calls
  • Lost calls after threshold - number of lost calls after the set threshold
  • AR (Abandon Rate) - expressed as a percentage, the ratio of lost calls to the total number of calls
  • SL (Service Level) - expressed as a percentage, the number of calls that managed to be serviced before the specified waiting time of the caller in the queue
  • ASA (Average Speed of Answer) - average waiting time of callers in the queue
  • AHT (Average Handle Time) - average handling time of incoming calls

When choosing a time period when grouping by weeks, remember to that the week usually does not start on the 1st day of the month and also does not end on the last day of the month. If you want to generate a report for all weeks that spanned April 2020 (9th to 14th week), then the range from 3/30/2020 to 5/3/2020 must be entered.

Repeated calls

This is an overview of phone numbers that called or she was called more than once.

  • Direction - call direction (incoming/outgoing)
  • Number - phone number
  • Calls - total number of calls
  • Connected - number of connected calls

Agent states

The report contains records of individual changes in the status of call center agents. Agents are on individual sheets.

  • Date - Date and time when the switch occurred.
  • Status - Status to which the agent was switched.
  • Duration - How long the agent was in this state.
  • Reason - The reason why the agent was not ready.
  • Waiting callers - Number of callers in queues at the time of switching (in which the agent is a member).