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General terms of telephony

ACDContact center queue (Automatic Call Distribution)
ACW/Wrap upProcessing of the call agenda (After Call Work)
AUXThe state when the agent does not receive calls (is engaged in other activities)
Agent/OperatorUser (phone line) serving the contact center queue
Called/CallingThe called party for whom the call is intended (this is a specific telephone number)
Caller/CalleeThe calling party that initiates the call (dials the phone number and waits for connection)
Call ForwardAutomatic call forwarding to another phone
Call PickupPicking up a ringing call on another phone (internal line)
Call TransferManual transfer of the call to another phone, Blind: immediate transfer, With Consultation/Attended: incl. of the conversation with the person to whom
CDROverview of phone calls
DialplanNumbering plan, all phone number ranges that can be called
Extension/FlapInternal telephone number (line) to which it is possible to call
External callOutgoing or incoming call to the PBX
FXOAnalog telephone interface, port on the gateway to which the state line is connected
FXSAnalog telephone interface, the port on the gateway to which the telephone device is connected
ISDNDigital telephone interface, BRI: two speech channels, PRI or E1: 30 speech channels
Incoming/InboundIncoming call to telephone or PBX
Internal callCall within the branch telephone exchange
IVRVoice menu in which the caller can choose where to continue their call (Interactive Voice Response)
MoHMusic on Hold, music played to the caller while on hold or on hold in ACD
Outgoing/OutboundOutgoing call from telephone or PBX
PatternRange of phone numbers, X represents any digit, eg 1XX (range 100 to 199)
ProvisioningProviding IP phone configuration, mostly using the TFTP protocol
PBXTelephone Exchange (Private Branch eXchange)
RTPVoice Path (Real-time Transport Protocol)
SBCSIP and RTP gateway (Session Border Controller) - serves to separate voice networks (application firewall) and to route calls
SIPProtocol for signaling (connecting) telephone calls (Session Initiation Protocol)
TrunkUsed to connect the branch telephone exchange to the public telephone network or another PBX
BLFAllows you to monitor the status of selected telephone lines (ringing, busy, idle) using lights