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Overview of agents

List of agents in a table with an overview of times, number of calls, etc. The list is sorted first by agent status (ready, ACW, not ready, offline) and then according to the time spent in the given state (the agent that is ready the longest will first in the list). You can click on the A-Z icon in the Agent column sort agents by their name.




Limits displayed agents and their data only according to selected projects. If it isn't if no project is selected, then all agents to which he is logged in are included user permission.


Shows only agents who are members of the selected teams. If none is selected team, then all agents are displayed. If both projects and teams are selected, then the list of agents is filtered in the sense of logical "and", i.e. for the agent to appear, must be assigned one of the selected projects and be a member of one of the selected teams.

Displayed AUX reasons

List of reasons for absence that will be displayed in the table as individual ones columns. Each column contains the amount of time the agent was in that reason absences. If a time limit is set for a given reason, then when exceeded, the cell of the given agent will turn red.

Show only agents who have signed up today

Only agents that switched from status on that day will be displayed in the table Offline to any other state. The agent appears immediately after the first switch status and will be removed from the list at the time of stat reset (midnight).

Hide offline agents

When this option is checked, agents that go Offline will immediately removed from the overview (no midnight reset of statistics).

Displayed columns

This option determines which columns should be displayed in the table. It is always displayed a column with the agent's name, which also displays its status.

FlapPaired phone, during a ringing and connected call, the number of the other party and the duration of the call.
skullThe skull icon indicates that the phone that the agent has paired with is not available and cannot receive calls (for example, the laptop connection is down or the cable from the IP phone is down).
First LoginThe time of the first login on the given day.
Break timeThe sum of the times of all breaks (reasons for absence marked as Break time).
Spoken TimeThe percentage of time spoken to when the agent was Ready or in ACW.
Number of missed callsThe number of calls that rang on the agent's phone but the agent did not pick up the call. It may not automatically be a lost call, as the client may have been served by the next available agent.
Number of calls receivedThe number of incoming calls handled by the agent on a given day.
Average incoming call timeTalk Time of incoming calls divided by the number of received calls.
Number of outgoing picked up callsThe number of outbound calls that the agent made and connected to the client.
Number of outgoing callsThe number of all outgoing calls (connected and disconnected) in a given day.
Average outgoing call timeTalk Time of outgoing calls divided by the number of outgoing answered calls.
Outgoing call ringing timeRing time of connected and unconnected outgoing calls divided by their number.
Celkový prohovořený časTalk Time příchozích i odchozích hovorů.
Celková doba nečinnostiCelková doba, kdy byl agent ve stavu AUX (nepřipraven).
Poměr nečinosti ku připravenProcentuální vyjádření stavu Ready a ACW ku všem dobám AUX (nepřipraven).
Doba ve stavu připraven nebo ACWSoučet dob, které agent strávil ve stavu Ready nebo ACW, tzn. Idle time + Handle time.
Průměrná doba čekání na příchozí hovorPrůměrná doba kterou agent tráví ve stavu Idle (je Ready, ale nemá hovor).
Počet napsaných emailůPočet nově napsaných mailů, např. jako reakce na telefonát.
Počet zodpovězených emailůPočet napsaných odpovědí na příchozí maily.
Průměrná doba zpracování e-mailuDoba strávená psaním e-mailu.
Průměrný čas ACW na hovorDoba ve stavu ACW dělena počtem spojených hovorů.

Maximum length of calls

Exceeding the set time limit (in seconds) will be indicated by flashing cells with an assigned agent flap.

Font size

Customizing the size of the photon in the table according to the use of the table (eg agent view vs. wallboard display).

Columns showing values from shared data

Any number of columns can be added to display the values retrieved from external information systems. Setting identifier shared data and column name in this summary table. Shared data then contains associative a field that has as keys the IDs of users in UCS and as values the data to be had display in column. E.g. user ID 1 displays the value 20% in the column, user ID 3 shows " - " and user ID 4 shows 100%. Users of other IDs are shown a blank cell:

"1": "20%",
"3": " - ",
"4": "100%"